Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Glaucoma is a disease which can steal your vision without sign. Hence, it is known as 'silent killer'.

Glaucoma has been rated the second most common cause of blindness worldwide and the number one cause of irreversible blindness.

Glaucoma is a result of optic nerve damage and some cases is associated with increased preasure of the fluid in the eye. Your intraocular preasure (IOP) should not be more than 22 mmHg or 2.9kPa.

These are common examination to detect glaucoma:

1. Measurement IOP via tonometry.
2. Changes in size or shape of the eye.
3. Anterior chamber angle examination or gonioscopy
4. Examination of the optic nerve to look for any visible damage or
change in the cup-to-disc ratio and also rim appearance and
vascular change.

5. Visual field test

Do you realize that early eye examination can prevent your eyes from glaucoma?

Do you notice that nowadays glaucoma affects more than 67 million people worldwide, 6.7 million of whom are blind?

And reminder for youngsters in Malaysia! Previously, the disease usually affected people above 45, but now even those in their early 20s and 30s are afflicted. :(

"In 2008, a total of 1,269 Malaysians sought treatment for glaucoma in government hospitals while 7,238 went to specialist centres," Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin said (written on Sat, Mar 13, 2010 New Straits Time).

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