Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Latin name it as halo... Greek name it as halos... But what is halo actually?

Refers to The Free Dictionary by Farlex said halos is:

1.a. A circular band of colored light around a light source, as around the sun or moon, caused by the refraction and reflection of light by ice particles suspended in the intervening atmosphere.
b. Something resembling this band.
2. A luminous ring or disk of light surrounding the heads or bodies of sacred figures, such as saints, in religious paintings; a nimbus.
3. The aura of majesty or glory surrounding a person or thing that is regarded with reverence, awe, or sentiment.

But lets talks about halos in optical perception. In some cases, halos is an indicator for certain diseases such as glaucoma, corneal edema, corneal inflammation, diabetes, diabetic lens osmosis, cataract and etc.

So, visual halos is seeing halos around objects or lights. So, be careful when u seeing halos but please do not misdiagnosis. :)



Nor Syuhada said...

harap sgt comment nie dibalas.. sebb cam da lmer da x buat post kn.. so cam takut cam terbiar jer la comment..

nk tanyer..
my condition sekarang la..
dlu mse 15 years old, saya didiagnose having lazy eyes most probably due to anisometropia, sebb the doctor x ckp pun juling ke aper ke.. and memang beza power antara mata kanan dan kiri sgt tinggi la.. doctor asked me to wear glasses,, but then there is no follow up.. skrang sye da 20 tahun, kadang rse cam bothering sgt dgn lazy eye nie.. do u have any special glasses for this lazy eye?
please hit me back at tq.. and salam perkenalan =), hope u can help..

damia said...

salam...kalu pasal lazy eye ni buat setakat ni kita takde special glasses pun just rawatan utk tingkat kan visual acuity...

sbnrnya sy dah byk kali tulis tentg amblyopia atau lazy eye ni...cuba syuhada baca article yg ni