Thursday, July 15, 2010


Salam everybody! How are you guys today? Feeling good? Cool!!! :)

Well, sometimes I wonder how people became success? Is it due to hard work? Or determination? Etc... And I also thinking how they maintain it.

Lets look at one point... to achieve your goal is easy but not to sustain. But there are still a huge number of successful individual or even group out there who can remain their succeed. How they did that? Wondering how?

Well, base on my observation, I look it in this way. Most of them like to share their knowledge. In my mind, I have 2 different persons which I respect most. They are Chef Wan and Saiful Nang. I’m sure you guys recognize them!

Look at them! They like to share. And they enjoyed doing it. Look at Chef Wan, he changed most of chef perception in Malaysia. He tells the world every single thing how to make a good cook! No secret! And also as Saiful Nang. He teaches anybody how to snap a quality photo through his website or his seminar. Perfect right!

So, lets be part of this loveable person! Sharing is caring and your knowledge won't be wasted! :)

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